of our seniors are accepted to colleges including elite universities like NYU, Smith College, Spelman College, SUNY Binghamton, Howard University, Syracuse University, and more.
of our team is comprised of people of color. 75% of our school leaders are people of color. This data is more than a point of pride, it makes South Bronx Community truly deserving of, and derived of our name.
of our students complete and internship or apprenticeship at organizations like JP Morgan Chase, Accenture and Amazon.
of our seniors are accepted to colleges including elite universities like NYU, Smith College, Spelman College, SUNY Binghamton, Howard University, Syracuse University, and more.
of our team is comprised of people of color. 75% of our school leaders are Black and/or Latinx. This data is more than a point of pride, it makes South Bronx Community truly deserving of, and derived of our name.
of our students complete an internship or apprenticeship at organizations like JP Morgan Chase, Accenture and Amazon.
Our teachers are models for integrity, honesty, hard work, and accountability. Here’s how our staff is supporting the next generation of learners.

We’re doing big things. Stay tuned to our news and updates.